!Runtime error ERRORS.LOG Runtime error U firing up at on N Copyright (C) 1991 Andrew Milner & Continental Software, All Rights Reserved detected assumed5 Insufficient disk space (less than 64k) to proceed! Shelling to front-end Returning from front-end shell, errorlevel DOBBS*.BAT Local mode, node Incoming call at BPS, node Initialisation failed, exiting ! Modem initialisation failure RABUSY. RAREADY.U % ; V [ ` RA.KEY 1ATATIME'! Attempted to log on to multiple linesU NOTFOUND PRIVATE.User disconnected after private system message TRASHCAN.CTL6! Name entered is unacceptable, Trashcan message given TRASHCAN NEWUSER1 HANDLE HANDLES.CTL dd-mmm-yy dd-mm-yy MM-DD-YY PASSWORD xxx PHONENUM.CTL(entered an unacceptable telephone number1! Entered an unacceptable Home/Voice phone number.! Entered the same Home/Voice phone number as $entered a duplicate telephone number NEWUSER2 NEWUSERU RAREADY. RABUSY. RAREM. , RA line # DUMMY TOOSLOW NO300 IEMSI Negotiating IEMSI session 1.11LCopyright (C) 1991 Andrew Milner & Continental Software, All Rights Reserved **EMSI_ISI Received NAK, resending $Established interactive EMSI session Remote is using Request flags: ! No Interactive EMSI on-line at Name not in user file ! Did not enter a full name5! Sysop tried to log-on remotely and was disconnected Incorrect password : BADPWD7! Exceeded maximum password attempts, user disconnected Completed new-user procedure VIP.CTL LOCKOUT'User disconnected after lockout message Logging user back on-line Logging back on-line Event at , time adjusted downwards TIMEWARN Security level minutes remaining RESET WELCOME WELCOME1 GROUP ALTNEWS ONCEONLY.A?? ONCEONLY BIRTHDAY mm-dd-yy SUBDATE MSGFWD System forced a password change EXPIRED /M=+ /F=+U - 7 F K X ( 7 < A F _ "8"="K"s"z" #"#6#;#H#\#a#f#q# $+$5$N$S$]$v${$ %(%>%M%`%v% &"&1&@&]&z& '('K'i' (2(b(k( )))=)j) *4*S*Z* +"+3+X+k+~+ ,=,L,Q,V,m,r, .*.E.`.{. .#/(/-/G/Q/d/i/s/x/ 080M0R0k0z0 0#1,1:1J1Z1_1 3+3:3?3D3^3m3r3w3 4#44494L4\4a4 5&5T5^5f5 6.636C6H6Y6d6r6}6 7(7C7M7W7\7 8#8;8E8T8g8q8{8 9"9'969@9Q9V9`9o9t9~9 :/:H: ;(;1;F;P;Y;n;x; <$<90>:>I>f>}> ?P?Z?c?{? @*@/@D@I@j@t@}@ A'A9A>AMARAWAiAsA B/B>BCBLB[BkB}B C1CCC]C D!D>DCD %Unacceptable telephone number attemptU Security Watchdog activated, notifying user..! Watchdog : User notified of password attempt WATCHDOG.MSG ! Unable to open WATCHDOG.MSG Incorrect password logon attemptU Security level altered to U Flag set completed questionnaire at ***U Questionnaire initiated: Questionnaire completedU 8 = Q [ o t ~ menu missing ! TOP menu missing GLOBALRA.MNUU %Attempted access to passworded menu " %Attempted access to passworded menu " >(?2s %Attempted access to passworded menu " Exit to DOS at errorlevel GOODBYE Browsing file area # R K P U c o " ' / H M U u z -!5!?!b!j!o!y! #3#?#Q#]# $5$B$M$Y$h$u$ &)&?&F&^&j&|& '#'2'9'D'P'j' '%(U(b(m(y( );)G)\)i)t) +)+A+F+]+j+I,v, -"-1-6-@-E-W-f-k-u- -,.1.i.v.{. /"/7/D/I/N/X/s/ /"0/040B0R0W0 0V1g1 3.333I3Y3^3q3 3=4V4y4~4 5$5M5R5m5 6%6@6M6R6W6h6m6 7#7(7>7L7V7f7|7 8K8S8z8 9+90959K9n9v9 :4:J:O:v:{: ;:;?;M;c;h;u; < <6<@*>/>A>F>K>_>z> ?@?E?W?\?a?s?}? ?+@=@B@Q@V@[@~@ A AfAsA B$B1B6BKBXB]BrB C-C:C?CICNC]C D#D(DJDaDsD E E*E2E7EREWEaEiEnE F%F-F2FMFRF\FdFiF~F G;GVGcGhGmG~G H+H0H5HFHKHgH I'I,I1IBIGIcI~I J-J?JDJIJQJjJtJyJ K#K-K2K:KNK`KeKtKyK L'L9L>LHLMLgLpL~L M,M;MVMcMhMmM N6N;NUN[NvN #Sending files attached to message # End of file attachesU &-------------- ----------- --------- S#-------------- ----------- -------- XFERBAUD XFERTIME Download [ ]!File attaches (download progress) Activating External Protocol (Download Mode) Port Baud Time Processing external protocol log Download [ bytes)U Transfer cancelled from console Timeout, error # NAK, error #$Receiver didn't acknowledge header.. Receiver didn't request headerU Ending batch session Sending file data Unable to open File is a device Transfer cancelled by remote Disk read error NAK ( ) error # Timeout ( ), error # Transfer cancelled from console/Waiting for receiver to acknowledge end of file End of file not acknowledgedU b$C4 P%@Fpg` RwbVr ftGd$T uJTZ7j ld\EL n6~UNt^ G s -> #U G Q U 123456 1234567 6<1r:<7w6 123456 *<6u& % 7 < F K S n x PID: RA 1.11 MSGID: REPLY: TOPT FMPT 8!!! WARNING - THIS USER ENTERED AN INVALID PASSWORD !!! * Automatically forwarded for * Origin: MSGTMP. * Origin: ECHOMAIL.BBS NETMAIL.BBS Message # posted in area # (Used alias/handle " C(<@t SYSOP NAMES.CTL SYSOP Sysop NOTSYSOP >C(*t SYSOP MSGTMP. * Message originally: From: To : Date: Area: " * Forwarded by using MSGTMP MSGINFU L X "!"D"I"b"g" #,#?# %+%<%O%T%p% ',';'@'E'J'e'u'z' (((2(<(F(K(](~( )@)R)W)f)k)}) *$*)*T*h*z* *++8+=+G+U+j+o+~+ , ,9,K,P,U,],u, -#->-K-P-U-f-x-}- .8.E.J.O.`.r.w. .8/=/y/~/ 0?0D0d0s0x0}0 1#14191Q1[1e1}1 2"222V2]2h2 3$343X3_3j3 4"414B4L4l4 5$525F5u5 5 6e6v6 7+7L7V7e7j7o7t7 8%8*8=8B8X8]8p8u8 9"93989B9Z9_9g9 :(:-:2:7:<:V:k:s: Message Upload MSGTMPU NODECOST.CTL NODEU credits NOCREDIT in U - 2 l ---------- MESSAGES.RA MSGAREAU .%Following message has files attached: Upload End of file attaches5! Did not receive any files, attach directory removedU Upload [ File attaches (upload progress)U Activating External Protocol (Upload Mode) Port Baud Time Processing External Protocol Log FILES.BBS Upload [ bytes) $User requested to terminate the call GOODBYEU "Protocol Engine" (PE) 1.05 (TP) Protocol : File : Size : Time : Position : File Files DownloadU XFERHELP.A?? XFERPROT Help XFERHELPU FILES.CTLU /FREE /PWD= ! Wrong password attempt on bytesU DNLDHRS $ ) 8 Z j o Fetching filename Transfer cancelled by remote Carrier lost Transfer cancelled from console Fatal timeout CRC error Block number mismatch Bad block complement Timeout, error # Debris, error #U Transfer cancelled by remote Carrier Lost Disk write error CRC Error Checksum Error Block number mismatch Bad block complement Transfer cancelled from console Timeout, error # Debris, error # Carrier lost Transfer completedU |(6; b$C4 P%@Fpg` RwbVr ftGd$T uJTZ7j ld\EL n6~UNt^ $ N a f x Transfer cancelled from console Header CRC errorU Header CRC errorU Header data timeout File seek errorU (Transfer aborted due to too many errors. uM6;E Resending from 0Waiting for receiver to acknowledge end of file. Resuming from Sending file Session completed Synchronizing with receiver Unable to open File is a device, skipped Sent Receiver requested to skip #Receiver requested to abort sessionU *$ < t Data CRC error Long data packet Data CRC error Long data packet Synchronizing with sender Receiving file Session completedU badzfile.$$$'Not enough disk space. Session aborted. Identical file, skipped Duplicate file, renamed to Resumed file transfer. Unable to open Unable to position file pointer. Unable to create File is a device, skipped U Unable to write to disk. Bad pos: Transfer cancelled Timeout'Nonsense end of file received, ignored. Received U "Protocol Engine" (PE) 1.05 (TP)U $`<@u P ~ !#"."="Q" #D#O# #'$E$L$\$f$ %<%F%U%f%q% %5&l& '*'R'm' ('(1(?(W( *]*z+ ,p,{, .+.G.^.f.s. /6/I/`/h/u/ 7I.u7)0 A5,N9@ 'u9De #.#G#L#[#t# $P$g$w$|$ %1%M%p%z% &-&7&L&`&j&z& (.)?)I)\)a)f)V*e*j* *K+Z+_+ ,[-n- ) RAXIT BADFILES.CTL Upload Download Text Message ) MSGTMP BADFILES.CTLU + 0 ? Y c r w DownloadU EDITHELPU # 2 7 E ~ . ; @ E \ a f { !)!.!3!E!`!m!r!w! 3046C8DBU CONFIG.RA Error opening configuration file CONFIG.RA (G CONFIG.RA is for a previous version, please run RACONFIG to update it FILES.RA MESSAGES.RA EVENTS.RA PROTOCOL.RA LANGUAGE.RA USERON.BBS LIMITS.CTL Error opening LIMITS.CTL Error #( attempting to access message-base files Error #U USERS.BBS SYSINFO.BBS MSGIDX.BBS MSGTOIDX.BBS MSGHDR.BBS MSGTXT.BBS MSGINFO.BBS LASTCALL.BBS CONF.BBS LASTREAD.BBS USERSXI.BBS USERSIDX.BBS NODEIDX.RA NODEINC.RA EXITINFO.BBS TIMELOG.BBS Creating user-file ! Creating new user file Creating message-header file Creating message-text file$ Rebuilding message-base index files ! Rebuilding message files Creating new SysInfo files Rebuilding user indexes PAGESTAT.RAU none1 Error reading default language definition file U ? F T v { ! SHARE support not detected*! Indeterminate message base locking error MBUNLOCK.NOW ! Message base lock timeoutU ! Language definition file is too big*! Could not open language definition file ! Could not open LANGUAGE.RAU ..... LANGUAGE.RA LANGUAGEU **EMSI_ ! Used password " c h s Exiting to DOS at errorlevel U COMSPEC RATEMP RA.$: Unable to allocate swap space, attempting normal shell Swap space allocated /F=+U ! 3 EXITINFO.BBS missing! DORINFO1.DEF PAGESTAT.RAU User off-line Terminating Call Forced exit; exit at errorlevel RABUSY. RAREADY. SYSOP: Press (CR)" Sysop next; exit at errorlevel 2& Executing event; exit at errorlevel ' NetMail entered; exit at errorlevel 3( EchoMail entered; exit at errorlevel 40 Net and EchoMail entered; exit at errorlevel 5% Exiting after caller at errorlevel U & + 0 8 ^ c RABUSY. RAREADY. - O L-Logon Esc-Exit ALT: O-Paging J-DOS shell P-Printer D-Snoop A-Answer Status FOSSIL driver missing ! FOSSIL driver missing Modem Initialising the modem Initialise failure (#U Password System (Unregistered version) Copyright 1991 Andrew Milner and Continental Software Waiting for a call RAXIT Exiting at errorlevel RABUSY. RAREADY. Environment : Free memory : bytes Drive space : Driver : Node : Port : COM Next event : Last caller : All nodes : calls Snoop : Printer : Paging : Answer : Event approaching Executing event at errorlevel Connected at BPS Incoming calls disabled Waiting for a call Taking modem off-hook Local logon U $ F ` z # ( = P _ n s { DOOR.SYS DORINFO1.DEF BAUD,N,8,1U LASTCALL.BBSU ---------- system log created RA.KEY 1.11+ (COMMERCIAL)U .Printer out of paper, printer logging disabled*Printer off-line, printer logging disabled&Printer busy, printer logging disabled6Undetermined printer trouble, printer logging disabledU $ < u **EMSI_ b$C4 P%@Fpg` RwbVr ftGd$T uJTZ7j ld\EL n6~UNt^ |eLXa n;iL` o/hXa iCn4g hWo f n1iFa Edit userU Record : 99999 Name : Handle : Location : Password : Security : Home# : Data# : A flags : 11111111 B flags : C flags : D flags : Credit : Pending : Uploads : Dnloads : UploadK : DnloadK : TodayK : Comment : Forward : Last time : 99:99 Last date : 99-99-99 1st date : Sub date : Birthdate : Time remaining : X99999 Screen length : Last pwd change : Messages posted : High msg read : Number of calls : Last msg area : Last file area : Deleted : Clear screen : Page pausing : ANSI graphics : AVATAR graphics : No-kill : Xfer priority : Full screen editor : Quiet mode : Hot-keys : Full screen viewer : Hidden : Group number : Language : Date format : XXXXXXXXXU > [TAB] Next field, [SHIFT-TAB] Previous fieldE [CTRL-ENTER] to save changes, [ESC] to quit without saving Warning! User will have no time left. Reset user's time (Y,n)? 1 H j r &;ECt &;EEt A<1r=<8w9 .\. .4/o0 3!3&3 : ;&; ?*@F@n@ DAEbEyE I IBI[IbI P2Q;R XDX[X ]e^+`tgjh^joj Efficiency % ( bytes), Cps.U Paging Options Use paging hours Turn paging OFF Turn paging ON PAGESTAT.RAU [ANSI] [AVT] Security: Time: mins [IEMSI] [Node [SN] [PAGE ON] [PAGE OFF] [Wants Chat] [F9]=Help Voice#: Data #: Last Call : First Call : Times Called : Birthdate : MM-DD-YY Age : Uploads : files Downloads : files Flags: (A): (B): (D): Last Caller: Total System Calls : [Printer: [Local Screen: [Time: Next Event : , errorlevel Msgs posted : Netmail credit : Highread : Handle : Group Remote is using Serial number LALT: [C]hat [D]Snoop [H]angup [J]Shell [L]ockOut [P]rinter [E]dit, [N]extOn O [S]ecurity [O]verride Paging -Inc Time -Dec Time [F1]-[F7]=Extra StatsU '< u# " , > C M Y i x } D i &;U#t &;E!t &;U#u &;E!t & c s U &:E t4 TPWINDOW/TPSCREEN conflictU * Origin:U * Deleted *U |eLXa n;iL` o/hXa iCn4g hWo f n1iFa 1 I W j P ~ !#"."="Q" #D#O# #'$E$L$\$f$ %<%F%U%f%q% %5&l& '*'R'm' ('(1(?(W( *]*z+ ,p,{, .+.G.^.f.s. /6/I/`/h/u/ 0&090Q0Y0f0 1)1.1M1\1i1